Meet Shelley

For me, occupational therapy is more than a job; it’s a passion and way of life.

Shelley has always had a passion for helping people. Before becoming an occupational therapist over 10 years ago, she worked as a manager in the private sector, liaising with occupational therapists on a daily basis. She was inspired by their philosophy of using an activity and strength based model as a rehabilitation process for people with daily occupational struggles. 

Shelley's key drive and focus is to provide her clients with choices, helping them to recognise there are alternative avenues of care and advice. She also works with her clients and their whanau to help them understand how occupational therapy principals and processes can support them to engage in everyday life.

Working With Children

Shelley began her training when her two children were young, hoping to become an occupational therapist who could provide tools to support people to manage their lives better.  Her interest in paediatrics was further inspired when she watched her own children struggle in the school system; she has a deep understanding of how daunting it can be for parents to watch this process. Watching other children go through similar struggles resonated strongly with Shelley, which lead her training in occupational therapy to provide support and a pathway for families on their individual journeys. 

Working with Wheelchair and Elderly Clients

While working as an occupational therapist, Shelley soon recognised a need for more private support for wheelchair and elderly clients who struggled with mobility and required advice around safety and functioning in the home (equipment and home modification advice). Shelley went on to further train as a wheelchair and home assessor so she could give her clients the best support and tools to go about their daily lives as easily as possible.


Shelley is a qualified Occupational Therapist in the Waikato. She has worked as a contractor for the Ministry of Education as a Paediatric Assessment specialist, and for the Ministry of Health in the Mental Health sector. Shelley also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational Therapy to gain more knowledge on how she can better support her clients. 

Shelley has also worked for over six years as a private contractor, completing ACC Community Rehabilitation Contracts, Vocational Rehabilitation Contracts, Concussion, Sensitive Claims and Paediatrics. She is registered with the New Zealand Board of Occupational Therapists and partakes in regular professional development and supervision.


Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational Therapy

Level 1 & 2 (and 24 hour positioning) of Seating To Go Wheelchair Training

ACC Accredited Wheelchair and Seating assessor

ACC Accredited Paediatric Education Based Assessor

ACC Accredited Housing Assessor

Ayres Sensory Integration Certificate

Completed Housing Assessor training at 3AM

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