Wheelchair Assessments

Many of our OT4YOU clients come to us as they are looking for an Occupational Therapist who can help them when they are experiencing a decline in their physical condition due to medical complications or older age. This means they may no longer be able to move around as independently as they would like, and therefore need a wheelchair to help them.

OT4YOU work with a number of wheelchair suppliers to help identify the most appropriate and affordable option to suit your mobility needs. Using a standardised assessment process, we can identify wheelchair needs to support immediate mobility requirements and help plan for future mobility needs.

Our Occupational Therapist (OT) will conduct a wheelchair or seating assessments to ensure you are provided a wheelchair that meets your mobility needs at home and in the community.  The chair needs to fit you and support your postural, sitting and mobility needs. Our OT4YOU Occupational Therapist will complete an assessment of your physical seated wheeled mobility needs and liaise with suppliers to recommend a suitable chair, and cushion. The supplier and OT will set your chair up to suit your individuals needs and seating support needs. 

The assessment is undertaken in your home or work environment to help ensure we are able to get a complete understanding of a clients mobility needs and the type of wheelchair or fittings that are needed to meet those mobility needs. 

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We walk alongside our clients to help give them the support they need. With us you don't need to feel like you're battling it alone - OT4YOU is here to help.